Stock & Inventory Dashboard

A Stock & Inventory Dashboard in Excel is a powerful tool that allows businesses to monitor and manage their stock levels and inventory efficiently. This dashboard integrates data from various sources, such as sales, purchases, and stock records, to provide a comprehensive view of inventory status. It enables businesses to track key metrics like stock levels, stock turnover, reorder points, and stock value. The dashboard typically includes visualizations like charts, graphs, and tables that offer insights into inventory trends, stock movement, and stock-out situations. With features such as conditional formatting and alerts, users can identify critical stock levels and take timely actions. The Stock & Inventory Dashboard in Excel empowers businesses to optimize inventory management, reduce stock-outs and overstock situations, improve supply chain efficiency, and make informed decisions regarding purchasing and production.

    Course Module

  • Data Import and Connection
  • Data Cleaning and Formatting
  • Stock Level Tracking
  • Inventory Valuation
  • Reorder Point Analysis
  • Inventory Trends and Analysis
  • Visualizations and Dashboards
  • Inventory Optimization
  • Reporting and Analytics
  • Automation and Efficiency